Saturday, October 31, 2015


Hey guys! Welcome to my new blog! For those of you who have been previously been following this blog, I actually took down the previous one and used the same link back for a fresh start! It's been waaaay too long since I updated the old one. And recently, I started to miss blogging. Well actually I miss writing, so I decided to get a fresh start!

So, as you all should know (and if you didn't please climb out of the rock you're living under), today is Halloween! Granted, Malaysians don't exactly celebrate Halloween by going trick-o-treating and what not, but in the recent years, this day seems to be gaining popularity! I've never actually put on a costume or celebrated Halloween in any way, as my final exams throughout high school, college & university would all fall around this time.

However, this year, for the first time, no exams are in my way! Just FYI for those who don't know, I've recently graduated from Monash University and I'm now currently working for a company that practices the American start-up culture. Co-operate style is sooooo NOT my thing! Anyway, for Halloween, we were given tickets to attend Sunway Lagoon's Night of Fright! And of course, everyone had to wear a costume! 

The costume part was a little tricky. We had to make sure we wore something that could give us freedom to move around comfortably in a theme park! In the end, I decided to go with little red riding hood! Bonus part was I have a husky, which well, looks like a wolf, so a photo-op was definitely in the books!

Sunway Lagoon's Night of Fright was actually quite fun. The last maze we went into was super duper scary, there was a part where the only thing we could see was the person in front of us due to all the smoke in the tunnel (we all held a rope that made sure we don't lose our way from the group)! And of course, weird creatures would suddenly just pop up in front of you and scare the living hell out of you. It was night time of course, so most of the photos didn't turn out well, but here's one group shot:

The fun didn't stop after we left the theme park. The most unbelievable thing happened when we wanted to drive back, I'm still in shock that it even happened! So I had driven there with another friend, and after paying our car park ticket at the auto-pay machine, we went to my car. I went into the back seat first to change into my flats (can't drive with heels!). When I got out, I closed the door, BUT, the door just bounced back! I was like, eh? I tried again, same thing happened! Then, we started checking to see if anything was stuck at the frame, but there was nothing! We had less than 15 minutes to get out of the car park before our ticket becomes invalid, so I had my friend sit at the back, and hold the door close as tightly as she could while I drove back!

I drove as slowly as I could, but every time we were turning at a corner or going over a bump, the door would still open a little and my friend would freak out! The best part was we were both so in shock we just kept on laughing the entire way back. Thank God my house is less than 10 minutes away! 

All in all it was an eventful night, definitely one to remember! Well, till my next post then, ciao!


*signing out*


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